Atlanta BeltLine Inc.
2030 Strategic Implementation
Plan Update
InfraStrategies supported Atlanta BeltLine Inc. (ABI) with the development of a financial plan and implementation strategy for the remaining portions of the 22-mile multiuse trail loop, connector trails, parks, and other proposed improvements around the core of Atlanta, Georgia. Program funding also supported the Beltline’s affordable housing and economic development goals.
The team worked with ABI leadership to develop a financial model, recommend a baseline program of funded projects that will be completed with available funding by 2031, and recommend strategies to fund and implement additional program elements. The team also recommended financial strategies to fund long-term operations and maintenance costs of the Atlanta BeltLine assets after the Atlanta BeltLine’s primary funding source – the Atlanta BeltLine Tax Allocation District (TAD) – expires in December 2030. Findings were documented in the 2030 Strategic Implementation Plan Update, published in late 2023.
In 2023, InfraStrategies led the development of Ride Gwinnett’s first financial model, a systemwide fare policy assessment, and tailored financial strategies for the new Gwinnett County Transit Development Plan (TDP). InfraStrategies performed a detailed assessment of funding options, recommended a countywide 1 percent sales tax as the preferred local funding source, developed a 30-year fiscally constrained financial plan with estimated annual costs and revenues, crafted an implementation plan and strategy, assessed potential fare policy changes and fareless alternatives, and quantified potential plan benefits, household impacts, and county job creation.
The final plan called for the delivery of countywide microtransit service, a 26 miles of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, 115 miles of BRT-lite service, 20 transit transfer centers, 2 airport ride connectors, and nearly 346 miles of fixed-route service within the first 10 years. The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the $17 billion TDP in September 2023. The Board plans to call for a 30-year 1 percent county sales tax referendum for transit in January 2024 to place a question for Gwinnett County voters on the November 2024 ballot.
The final TDP and financial recommendations can be accessed on the Gwinnett County website.
Key Staff
Carolyn Flowers
Sharon Greene
Sophie Guiny