Atlanta-Regional Transit Link Authority (ATL)
Transit Financial Planning and Modeling Services
The ATL engaged InfraStrategies in 2019 to develop the Atlanta region’s first regional transit financial plan and provide financial and strategic advisory services as projects are advanced further into design, seek to fill funding gaps, and begin navigating the Capital Investment Grant Program. As part of this work, InfraStrategies staff developed a dynamic financial model that estimates annual capital costs, revenues, and funding gaps for the 25 largest projects submitted to the 2019 ATL Regional Transit Plan (ARTP), totaling over $18 billion. The team also assessed and recommended industry-informed adjustments to project-level funding and financing assumptions, including cost per mile estimates, cost escalation, and assumed project funding shares for the Capital Investment Grant Program. The financial model calculated an estimated program funding gap and included preset financial scenarios that addressed the gap on the project and program levels and/or tested the sensitivity of programmatic assumptions. The model also included a dynamic CIG analysis that is intended to aid the ATL in developing a programmatic regional CIG strategy that maximizes the program’s CIG share over the 40-year period and supports ARTP program phasing and segmentation decisions. InfraStrategies also prepared a funding and financing options review to identify the most likely funding and financing options for individual projects and inform the development of several programmatic financial strategies to address the regional transit funding gap. Based on this assessment, the team recommended 60 funding and financing options that could be used by the ATL and its funding partners to address project- and program-level funding gaps. Many of these options were tested as part of the preset financial scenarios in the final version of the 2019 ATL Transit Financial Model. Last year, InfraStrategies worked with the ATL to perform an update to the model to include 2020 ARTP data and incorporate additional projects. InfraStrategies is currently working with the ATL on a separate contract as a subcontractor to VHB to refine and develop its regional financial strategy in 2022 and beyond.
Key Staff
Carolyn Flowers
Sharon Greene
David Boyer