Gwinnett County Transit (Ride Gwinnett)

Financial and Strategic Advisory Services

In 2022, InfraStrategies supported Ride Gwinnett with the development of a ​fare policy assessment for a new microtransit service that began operations in ​August 2023 in Snellville and Lawrenceville, Georgia. The assessment ​identified the goals and priorities of the service, examined current fare policies ​by mode, reviewed peer microtransit programs, identified potential fare ​options, ran fare modeling scenarios, and presented recommendations, ​including a recommendation for the current $3.00 flat fare.

In 2023, InfraStrategies led the development of Ride Gwinnett’s first financial ​model, a systemwide fare policy assessment, and tailored financial strategies ​for the new Gwinnett County Transit Development Plan (TDP). InfraStrategies ​performed a detailed assessment of funding options, recommended a ​countywide 1 percent sales tax as the preferred local funding source, ​developed a 30-year fiscally constrained financial plan with estimated annual ​costs and revenues, crafted an implementation plan and strategy, assessed ​potential fare policy changes and fareless alternatives, and quantified potential ​plan benefits, household impacts, and county job creation.

The final plan ​called for the delivery of countywide microtransit service, a 26 miles of Bus ​Rapid Transit (BRT) project, 115 miles of BRT-lite service, 20 transit transfer ​centers, 2 airport ride connectors, and nearly 346 miles of fixed-route service ​within the first 10 years. The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners ​unanimously approved the $17 billion TDP in September 2023. The Board ​plans to call for a 30-year 1 percent county sales tax referendum for transit in ​January 2024 to place a question for Gwinnett County voters on the ​November 2024 ballot.

The final TDP and financial recommendations can be accessed on the Gwinnett ​County website.

Key Staff

Joshua Schank

Michael Schneider

Sharon Greene

Emma Huang

Sophie Guiny

Key Service Areas


Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)


High Desert Corridor Financial Advisory