Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA)
MOVE2027 Strategic Plan
InfraStrategies led the development of the new strategic plan for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA), Mobility Optimized Through Vision & Excellence (MOVE) 2027. As a transportation authority, JTA’s operations cover bus, including bus rapid transit (BRT), roadways, including complete streets and active transportation, paratransit, and the automated Skyway people mover.
Building upon the work undertaken by JTA under MOVE Phase I as the Authority was emerging as a regional leader in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, MOVE2027 is a blueprint for the next 5 years of JTA’s continuing growth. InfraStrategies led visioning sessions with the Board of JTA, the executive leadership team and numerous regional stakeholders to develop updated mission, vision, core values and goals for JTA. The team also developed a comprehensive list of initatives, strategies and actions to support the goals across core transit services, multimodal infrastructure, customer experience, regional connectivity, innovative and sustainable mobility, partnerships and economic development, and organizational excellence. InfraStrategies developed cost estimates and a phased implementation plan for the initiatives, which was released to the public as the MOVE2027 Plan in the summer of 2022, and was used as the basis for JTA’s budget planning processes in fiscal year 2023.
Key Staff
Sophie Guiny
Carolyn Flowers