VIA Metropolitan Transit
Keep San Antonio Moving Financial and Strategic Advisory Services
InfraStrategies is currently supporting VIA with maintaining a financial model and developing a financial strategy to accelerate a program of rapid transit corridor and bus improvement projects known as Keep San Antonio Moving (KSAM). InfraStrategies is supporting VIA in developing a federal loan strategy, federal grant strategy, advancing two bus rapid transit projects through the FTA Capital Investment Grant (CIG) Program, and identifying additional state and local opportunities to accelerate VIA’s priorities.
To enable VIA to accelerate the KSAM program in advance of the 2026 initiation of the voter-approved tax reallocation, the InfraStrategies team is working with VIA and the Build America Bureau to pursue federal TIFIA financing. The team is also advising VIA as it advances two BRT projects through the FTA CIG program. InfraStrategies developed the CIG strategy and is supporting the development and review of the CIG financial plans and supporting documentation.
The first project, the Advanced Rapid Transit (ART) North/South Corridor Green Line project entered the New Starts Project Development phase in 2021, received its first rating of Medium-High in early 2022, and was recently recommended for $158.1 million in New Starts funding in the President’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget. The project entered the Engineering phase at the end of 2023, locking in a higher grant amount of $267.8 million. The second project, the ART East/West Corridor Silver Line project entered the Small Starts Project Development phase in October 2022 and was recommended for $8.1 million in advanced Small Starts funding in the President's Fiscal Year 2024 budget. InfraStrategies is currently supporting VIA with identifying sources to fill a funding gap to advance the second corridor.