Virgin Hyperloop One

Strategic Advisory Services

InfraStrategies provided advisory and project management services for Virgin ​Hyperloop, the leading global company in hyperloop technology ​development. InfraStrategies supported and provided management services ​for the year-long process to identify potential public and private partners for ​Virgin Hyperloop’s proposed Hyperloop Certification Center (HCC) and to ​lead the selection of a selected partner and location.

Services included project ​finance, funding and legislative strategy, project development planning, and ​initial conceptual design. In October 2020, Virgin Hyperloop announced the ​selection of West Virginia as the state partner to work with the company in ​developing the HCC. InfraStrategies staff were part of an integrated Virgin ​Hyperloop project team and provided a variety of expertise and management ​services working with the Virgin Hyperloop/West Virginia team.

Key Staff

Sharon Greene

Tesse Rasmussen

Mike Schneider

Key Service Areas


Northern Virginia Transportation ​Commission (NVTC) Zero Emission Bus Strategic Plan


LA Metro Agencywide Budget Equity Analysis